A logo has many jobs to do and many audiences to reach, but one thing is universal: It can’t work if it’s not applied consistently. The UF Health logo, in the variety of settings in which it represents us, should always appear in one of the approved formats shown in this guide. Figure 1 shows the primary UF Health logo mark, chosen for its connections to the historical imagery of the University of Florida and the academic health center. The logo mark has three main components, which must remain consistent in scale and proportion: the logotype, the descriptor and the bridge.
The logotype is set in Palatino Regular. The descriptor is set in Myriad Pro Bold. Never type out or attempt to set up a UF Health logo. All logos should be set up and developed by UF Health Communications as per our guidelines and standards.
The bridge between the upper tips of the U and the H represents the important connection between our academic, research and clinical practices, which is at the heart of our distinction and appeal to patients. It also speaks to the goal of offering care to our core communities in Florida, centered under the bridge, while expanding our reach to a larger national audience.
Fig. 1: The primary UF Health logo mark
As the distinguishing portion of our logo mark beyond the logotype and descriptor, the bridge carries a lot of meaning for such a small arc of color. Part of that meaning is pretty obvious – it serves as a bridge connecting the University and Health parts of our name. But that connection runs deep and is of critical importance. Our affiliation with the University of Florida is a big part of what makes us different and what makes us a natural choice for patients in all kinds of health situations.
The mutual relationship that is depicted in the mark is important, too: It’s not just that the university’s research informs our clinical efforts; it’s that each informs the other, continually, forming a stronger offering on both sides. The fact that it really goes both ways is why the bridge is not directional, and why it wouldn’t work if flipped upside down.
Are patients going to sit down and think about all this when they see the logo? Not likely. But since this is the iconic mark of our organization, a great deal of thought has gone into its creation, and we wanted to share that thinking with the people who will be helping support and grow the brand moving forward.
The bridge should not be rotated, warped, twisted, skewed or stretched either – much like the logo. Keep it consistent with its original proportions and orientation.
Fig.2: The bridge used as a background element, whole and cut off
Logo sizes and treatments
The following guidelines explain how to apply the logo in various circumstances.
In most cases, it appears with the logotype, descriptor and bridge. When applying it in cases where it will be reproduced really small (embroidery, product branding, etc.), the descriptor can be dropped, since it would be illegible anyway. Bear in mind that the logo can’t shrink smaller than 1 inch, even without the descriptor.
In all cases, give the logo its space. The distance between it and any other object, photo or copy should equal the width of the “F” proportionately and on all sides, not including background elements.
Fig. 3: Primary
Fig. 4: Logo with optimal spacing from F character
Fig. 5: Minimum logo size of an inch wide
Font sizes for using an entity with the UF Health logo:
- If the entity (2nd line; the line beneath UF Health) is 13 characters or less (including spaces), use a size 15 font to enhance legibility.
- If the entity (2nd line; the line beneath UF Health) is 14 characters or more (including spaces), use a size 11 font.