Please note: if you are requesting the creation of a new logo, do not use this form. For new logos, please contact UF Health Communications.
Official logos that have already been created are available for your convenience, but you must abide by our logo standards and guidelines when using them. If you are requesting the creation of a new logo, please do not use this form. You must work with UF Health Communications to develop a new logo.
Full-color logos are available by completing the request form below. If you need a reversed out logo (e.g. all white, to place against a colored background), please make that known in the request form.
After receiving a logo, please do not change its font, wording or color. Please do not change the positioning of the words. If the logo needs to be resized, please resize it proportionally; do not skew or warp it in any way. Please do not distribute a logo to anyone else. Refer all logo requests to UF Health Communications. Please complete this form each time you need to request a specific logo. Thank you.
* – Required Field