In many communications, the images say more than the words – and in the common case of a hurried or distracted patient, the words may not be read at all. This is one reason we work so hard to make UF Health photography consistently compelling.
And because straightforward, professionally executed pictures are such an essential element of the UF Health brand, we have developed the following guidelines for using photography in our communications:
- Use candid or natural-looking photos rather than posed shots. This reinforces our honest, straightforward brand tone. Subjects don’t need to make eye contact with the camera, particularly if another element in the photo is more natural for them to be looking at – such as a coworker, patient or project.

- Strive to depict UF Health employees in settings that reflect their roles – try not to pose them in front of a blank wall, for example, if you can show them doing what they do on a typical day here.

- Natural lighting is better suited to our brand than a harsh flash effect. It’s possible to achieve this natural look using additional lighting but difficult for a non-professional to pull off. In cases where UF Health Communications is not available to help, use a tripod and/or sufficient window lighting to get a well-lit shot without using flash.

- Images should be shot in a high-resolution format, but digital and Web resolution requires only 72 dpi (dots per inch) for screen use.