Educational/academic programs
- Do NOT use UF Health in names of UF Health colleges, centers and institutes or in student-related materials, except the UF Health Cancer Center. Instead, use the UF logo.
- Do use UF Health for:
- Any educational materials that promote clinical or patient care
- Community health outreach initiatives: e.g. mobile clinics, screenings, health fairs
Clinical programs and services
Do use UF Health
Select printed materials should include this proviso: UF Health is a collaboration of the University of Florida Health Science Center, Shands hospitals and other health care entities.
Those materials include:
- Brochures
- Newsletters
- Progress/Annual Reports
- Website footers
- Do NOT use UF Health for grant applications
- Do use UF Health for:
- Promoting clinical trials
- UF Research presentations (eg, PPTs, posters, etc.), but also include the University of Florida logo. These materials should be co-branded.
Employment and recruitment
- Use the hiring employer’s name for recruitment and employment efforts
- Do use UF Health on employment and recruitment materials that also are promotional in nature
Official business & corporate identity (letterhead, business cards and badges)
- Do NOT use UF Health for:
- Colleges, university-designated centers and institutes (excluding UF Health Cancer Center) and academic programs
- Do use UF Health for:
- Badges
- Business cards
- Letterhead for clinical entities, programs and services
Email signatures
Effective 11/2/20, it is the policy of the health colleges under the UF Health umbrella that all employee email signature blocks use a standardized email signature in all internal or external communication. The email signature should conform to standards set for employee business cards and may include the employee’s name, credentials, job title, department and contact information (see business card policy).
Pronouns may be included but are not required. Personalized e-mail and instant messenger signatures, backgrounds, personal photos, personal images, avatars, quotes, taglines and marks copyrighted by the University of Florida Athletic Association may not be used. An icon for a national designation like U.S. News & World Report or the Magnet Recognition Program may be permitted; when using a secondary icon, please ensure that: 1) it reflects the current year; 2) you have the rights/permission to use it. Please link with your designated communications/marketing liaison to confirm you’re using a secondary icon or badge appropriately. Please refer to the section on email signatures.
An example of an appropriate email signature is below. The UF Health logo, when used, should appear below your name and contact information. Please do not warp or skew the UF Health logo in your email signature. If it needs to be resized, please resize it to scale. A secondary icon, if used, must be placed below the UF Health logo, and must not appear larger in size than the UF Health logo.
First and Last Name, Credentials
Academic or Clinical Title, License #
Department or Facility
Official Name of Employing Entity (either UF Health Shands, UF Health Jacksonville, or University of Florida)
Primary Phone Contact Number
Official Email Address
URL/Web Address
Primary Address

- Do use UF Health for all sponsorships. Exceptions will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
CME materials
- Co-brand CME materials/presentations with UF Health and appropriate UF logo
News releases
- Do use UF Health
Specialty items
- Do use UF Health for:
- Specialty items. The UF Health logo descriptor (University of Florida Health) may be dropped if needed due to space limitations, small print or embroidery issues.
- Lab-coats. Please always remember to wear your ID badge. Department-specific patches are discouraged. However, if approved, they must be placed on a sleeve. All new lab coat orders should use the official two-color UF Health logo. The UF Health logo should always appear on the right lapel (if you are wearing the coat). No additional information may be placed on the side of the coat that retains the UF Health logo. Your name, credentials and specialty or department name, etc., should be placed on the opposite lapel. Please limit the amount of information that is placed on the opposite lapel so it is both readable and professional in appearance.